Press Source: Wired

What medical researcher training can learn from the 'yellow berets'

"We want randomized controlled trials to come to the world of scientific training and scientific funding."

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Press Source: The Economist

A growing number of governments hope to clone America's DARPA

“It is impossible to accurately measure the incidence ideas on a timescale relevant to political decision-making.”

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Press Source: The Academic Times

Immigrants act more as job creators than job takers

Pierre Azoulay...said he and his co-authors had a "data window into entrepreneurship" that hadn't previously been available to researchers.

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Press Source: Kellogg Insight

Immigrants to the U.S. create more jobs than they take

A new study looks at how immigration shapes the economy, analyzing immigrants' contributions as both employees and founders.

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Press Source: Quartz (India)

Immigrant entrepreneurs create more jobs than their American counterpart...

According to a July 2020 study, authored by Pierre Azoulay and others, immigrants are 80% more likely to be entrepreneurs than natives in the US.

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