Press Source: Hindustan Times

India could have 2.87 lakh Covid-19 cases per day by 2021 winter if no c...

... the top ten countries by projected daily infection rates at the end of winter 2021 are India with 2.87 lakh infections per day ...

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Press Source: The Washington Post

Mexico City deaths spiked to three times normal during covid-19 outbreak...

A new study done by three scholars at the MIT Sloan School of Management estimates total covid-19 deaths for 84 countries at roughly 600,000 ...

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Press Source: The Economist

Covid-19 is here to stay. People will have to adapt

Based on research in 84 countries, a team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology reckons that, for each recorded case, 12 go unrecorded ..

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Press Source: The Hill

New MIT study says actual number of coronavirus cases is 12 times higher...

“The magnitude of [the] epidemic is widely under-reported with much variation globally ...”

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Press Source: The Boston Globe

Actual number of COVID-19 cases is 12 times higher than reported, with 5...

...the researchers estimate that 1 percent of cases have been fatal...roughly 10 times the fatality rate of the seasonal flu.

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Press Source: Newsweek

The right level of humidity may be important weapon in fighting coronavi...

[Prof.] Rahmandad noticed that COVID-19 tended to spread in Iran at different rates from one region to the next.

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Press Source: BioSpace

Hot, humid weather slows SARS-CoV-2 transmission, but won’t end the cris...

“This effect is modest because a change of one standard deviation is rather large.”

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Press Source: The New York Times

Will hot weather kill the coronavirus where you live?

Hazhir Rahmandad … suggested a high UV index could drive people indoors, where it’s easier to spread the virus.

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Press Source: Folkebladet Lemvig (Denmark)

Forskere i USA og Rusland: Varme stopper ikke Covid-19

"Navnligt temperaturen og luftfugtighed har betydning for overførelsen af Covid-19, men kun i beskedent omfang ... "

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Press Source: nty (Germany)

Sommer soll Pandemie kaum beeinflussen

" ... wird die Pandemie wahrscheinlich nicht allein aufgrund des Sommerwetters verschwinden", so Rahmandad.

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