Press Source: Brookings Institution

Cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance (DeFi)

"DeFi applications might have the potential to democratize finance by creating a level playing field among providers of financial products ... "

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Press Source: Cointelegraph

PayPal establishes advisory council for crypto and blockchain

PayPal said its Blockchain, Crypto and Digital Currencies advisory council would help to support its current and future products.

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Press Source: The Wall Street Journal

Bitcoin's 'one percent' controls lion's share of the cryptocurrency's we...

"Despite having been around for 14 years and the hype it has ratcheted up, it's still the case that it's a very concentrated ecosystem."

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Press Source: Bloomberg

Bitcoin drop risks extending slide to a fifth consecutive week

Christian Catalini and Antoinette Schoar ... who have done extensive studies of the sector say the "digital gold" argument is overblown.

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Press Source: London School of Economics Business Review

Natural experiments in labour economics and beyond

... we invited our panels of economists to comment on the work of the winners of the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences.

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Press Source: TIME

Bitcoin is still concentrated in a few hands, study finds

“This ... most likely is an understatement since we cannot rule out that some of the largest addresses are controlled by the same entity."

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Press Source: London School of Economics - LSE Business Review

Would society be better off were Facebook to divest WhatsApp and Instagr...

"Less concentration in social media is important. But the benefits to society depend on how the ownership of personal data will be regulated."

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Press Source: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance

The effect of managers on systematic risk

A key principle in asset pricing theory is that investors are compensated for bearing systematic risk, but not idiosyncratic risk.

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Press Source: Profit & Loss

Bailout for large corps a 'grave mistake,' say MIT professors

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