Press Source: BNC | AMplified

Malia Lazu talks corporate social responsibility and diversity

"Corporations that really want to get the benefits of diversity want to go beyond thinking about the buzzwords."

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Press Source: Banker & Tradesman (Opinion Piece)

What would MLK say about your equity effort?

" … it's important to explore how your company may be pushing a whitewashed version of one of America's most important martyrs.

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Press Source: GBH | Basic Black (Video)

The year ahead

How will issues and challenges from the past year transform, and how will they impact communities of color in the year ahead?

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Press Source: Banker & Tradesman (Opinion Piece)

Business in Boston is about to include BIPOCS – for real

"Change is coming to Boston City Hall, not just through the election of Mayor Wu but also by who she brings in to help her lead."

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Press Source: Banker & Tradesman (Opinion Piece)

With its mayoral vote, Boston has spoken. Let's listen

"This pivotal moment in our country's history calls for a big vision. ... The most productive path forward is one of curiosity and cooperation.”

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Press Source: Banker & Tradesman (Opinion Piece)

Don't be afraid of change. Embrace it to find success

"This year we have a chance to recognize the hundreds of thousands of Bostonians who want to make the city into a more inclusive place ..."

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Press Source: HR Dive

Leverage the moment: 3 ways HR can hire for diversity

"[An executive is] leading a company that is reflective of what's happening in their community, their region, their country, around their globe."

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Press Source: The Boston Globe

In the race for Boston mayor, Wu and Essaibi George are focusing on a cr...

"Black voters ... are going to make sure that candidates commit to championing solutions that include them.”

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Press Source: WCVB-TV (Video)

CityLine: Sun. Sept. 12: Race for Boston City Hall

" ... what we're seeing here is that people of color are coming together to support candidates they think will work best for their communities."

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Press Source: Banker & Tradesman (Opinion Piece)

How to build your team or brokerage with diversity in mind

"Small businesses have unique opportunities to find homegrown talent and new sales opportunities in overlooked communities."

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