Press Source: The Wall Street Journal

Eye-popping yields mask paltry returns from these funds

“If you wait long enough, in the parlance of Wall Street, you get your face ripped off."

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Press Source: Financial Times (Subscription Required)

Non-profit and industry investors propose paediatric cancer fund

Andrew Lo proposed a $30bn cancer “megafund” a decade ago to combine drug testing projects to diversify risk.

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Press Source: BioSpace

Pharma's biggest losses: Once-dropped drugs make lucrative comebacks

The decision to license or sell a drug depends on profitability, strategic mission, and whether a company “believes” in the science of a drug.

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Press Source: Freakonomics | MD (Podcast)

Who pays for multimillion-dollar miracle cures?

"If you combine multiple diseases into a single financial portfolio, all of a sudden the risk-reward trade off becomes more attractive."

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Press Source: Forbes

Innovative solutions to cancer require innovative finance: Cancer Moonsh...

"We need the private sector to put in billions to match the hundreds of millions that the government has dedicated to this effort."

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Press Source: Endpoints News

An MIT professor's rare disease quest ripples throughout biotech

"We all want to have impact. But very few economists are able to do anything that would actually affect patient lives."

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Press Source: The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance (Opinion Piece)

Social contagion and the survival of diverse investment styles

"There is evidence of social contagion of investment behavior in financial markets that does not derive from rational information processing."

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Press Source: Morningstar | The Long View (Podcast)

Andrew Lo: Finding the perfect portfolio–a 'never-ending journey'

"We point out that this is a never-ending journey, that we're constantly looking to improve the way we think about investing."

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Press Source: The Economist

The rise of personalised stock indices

A growing number of brokers are offering clients products that combine the benefits of passive investing with greater customization.

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Press Source: The Wall Street Journal

'In Pursuit of the Perfect Portfolio' review: Models and mavens

Andrew W. Lo and co-author have written an intellectual history of modern finance theory which shows how far from a science investing remains.

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