Press Source: Peterson Institute for International Economics

Putting progress over protectionism in climate policy

"This moment in history provides ample reminders that a world more reliant on clean energy would also be a safer world."

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Press Source: Wirtschaftsdienst

COP28: Strategic climate cooperation

"While individual nations bear the full costs of their climate policies the benefits accrue to the global community."

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Press Source: Time Magazine

Why Middle East peace requires turning off Iran’s oil and increasing Sau...

Professor Catherine Wolfram has proposed imposing a price cap on Iranian oil, similar to the price cap on Russian oil.

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Press Source: The Washington Post (Opinion Piece)

Petrostates usually benefit from war. Let’s make sure Iran and Russia do...

"We need to break the cycle of petrostates benefiting from fomenting violence."

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Press Source: Los Angeles Times (Opinion Piece)

Putin is using high oil prices to test support for Ukraine. Congress’ dy...

"Wars are won and lost on battlefields. But public finance plays a critical role in determining what the combatants can afford."

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