Press Source: Financial Times

Market mispricing of risk will continue

A further market distortion arises from what academics Florian Berg, Julian Kölbel and Roberto Rigobon call “aggregate confusion."

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Press Source: Financial Times

Aggregate ESG confusion

A new paper highlights just how tricky it is to come up with an objective, rigorous ESG investing framework.

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Press Source: The Wall Street Journal

15 ways consumers can deal with–and even benefit from–rising inflation

"Investors should purchase stocks from established companies—such as supermarkets—whose revenues are indexed to the inflation rate."

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Press Source: Businessworld (India)

Fifty-fifty: Purchasing power parity and the Big Mac index

"The Big Mac Index from The Economist is probably the simplest statistic ever created. Sadly, for the World Bank, it is just as good as the PPP.”

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Press Source: Financial Times (Subscription Required)

Boom in ESG ratings leaves trail of confusion

The lack of standardization on ESG scoring "makes it difficult to evaluate the ESG performance of companies, funds and portfolios."

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Press Source: USA Today

'It will be a lot harder on people.' How sanctions will impact ordinary ...

"Win-win situations do not exist here. We all have to bear the cost, and that will show up in inflation, especially in gasoline."

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Press Source: Foreign Policy

Can global regulators save the ESG movement from itself?

"ESG ratings do not, currently, play as important a role as they could in guiding companies toward improvement."

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Press Source: Institutional Investor

AQR and MFS partner with MIT to solve ESG data problem

“Our five founding members of the ACP will serve as valuable thought partners with our research team."

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Press Source: Fortune

Oatly learns that it's not easy being 'green'

“We don't have a very good way to measure ethical behavior."

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Press Source: MIT Sloan Management Review (Opinion Piece)

Rethinking diversity measures in the finance industry

"The financial industry is one of the least diverse industries in the United States."

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