Press Source: Brookings Institution

Privacy policy and competition

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Press Source: Built In

8 dos and don'ts of security architecture

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Press Source: The Ethical Machine

Algorithmic bias or fairness: The importance of the economic context

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Press Source: Harvard Business Review (Opinion Piece)

What blockchain can’t do

Blockchain can’t ensure that perhaps the most important step of verification is happening correctly.

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Press Source: Forbes | Washington Bytes

A slice of pizza for your most intimate secrets? How much (or little) we...

Christian Catalini says: "...although we do care about privacy, we make rushed or impulsive decisions when placed in the wrong context."

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Press Source: Harvard Business Review (Opinion Piece)

How blockchain applications will move beyond finance

Christian Catalini writes: "As cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and distributed ledgers continue to mature, where might they be applied next?"

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