Press Source: Medium | Field of the Future Blog

Putin and the power of collective action from shared awareness: A 12-po...

"Putinism is not entirely new. It's manifesting on the geopolitical stage something that we have seen before in smaller contexts."

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Press Source: Forbes

Master this skill to connect more effectively with your team

Theory U reveals systemic forces impacting the way people work … to help people practice the art of leading from what's possible …

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Press Source: Medium (Opinion Piece)

Ten lessons from COVID for stepping into the decade of transformation

"Is this the moment when we should articulate the future we want to create with much more radical clarity?"

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Press Source: NPR | WCBE-FM (Podcast)

'The Essentials of Theory U'

Theory U blends systems thinking, innovation, and leading change from the viewpoint of an evolved human consciousness.

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