Press Source: CBS News Boston (Video)

National Grid says electric bills will rise more than 60% this winter

“We can really point to the war in Ukraine and the energy crisis that's happening in Europe for the [increased cost of natural gas]”

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Press Source: The Hill

How the Democrats' inflation bill could cut consumer energy costs

"It's hard for subsidies to not be good for the average consumer. ... I still worry about more than just the average consumer … "

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Press Source: Marketplace (Audio)

U.S. oil refiners are doing well, even though gasoline prices are down

"Increases in the crack spread [the difference between the cost of oil and the cost to refine it] recently has been just supply and demand."

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Press Source: USA Today (Subscription Required)

Is Biden to blame for higher gas prices? Drivers pay more in 93 countrie...

"The world market is so big and so vast, it's hard for even a big country and an economic powerhouse like ourselves to have a large impact."

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