Press Source: MoneyWise

Most Americans think college degrees aren't worth the expense, according...

A paper by Sinan Aral and co-authors discovered that high-paying jobs often come through "weak ties" — for example, people who are acquaintances.

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Press Source: The Allegheny Front

Episode for June 14, 2024

"If they're not using [coal mines] to make sustainable aviation fuel, the methane is going to go into the atmosphere."

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Press Source: Bloomberg

Some kind of carbon tax is coming to America, like it or not

A carbon tax could raise $2 trillion over a decade putting a huge dent in the federal budget deficit.

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Press Source: The Economist

Why China's economic model still appeals overseas

Yasheng Huang discussed why China's model for economic development holds appeal for countries looking for an alternative to the Washington model.

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Press Source: Forbes

The innovation spiral and the four building blocks of breakthrough ideas

"One of the key principles of brainstorming is to suspend judgment."

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Press Source: Women We Admire

The top 50 women Chief Investment Officers of 2024

Camille Carlstrom (MBA '00), CIO at Fidelity Investments and Ana Yankova (MBA '05), CIO at Mount Holyoke College were recognized in this ranking.

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Press Source: Scientific American

What do Google's AI answers cost the environment?

"The number of searches going through an LLM is going to go up, and therefore, probably, the energy costs are going to go up."

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Press Source: Notipress

Impact of climate change on productivity: research by Namrata Kala of MI...

For associate professor Namrata Kala, India continues to be a research focus to understand how climate change affects companies.

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Press Source: Bloomberg

For an AI lesson, India must look back — 300 years

Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson glean insights for the interplay of machine and labor by comparing the age of AI to the early industrial rev.

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Press Source: Financial Times

Why our brains crave beauty, art and nature

"Whether you're good at given artistic field or not is absolutely irrelevant to the neuroaesthetic benefits."

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