Executive Education Course

Platform Strategy

Over the past two decades, some of the most profitable and successful firms are those that have adopted a digital platform model—a platform strategy whereby the company allows two or more disparate groups to interact over a platform to co-create value; for example, website developers and users on Akamai, recruiters and employees on LinkedIn, and drivers and customers on Uber. In this program, participants eager to develop or launch a digital platform approach will learn why and how their business strategies may need to be revised to be successful.

  • Nov 28-Dec 14, 2023
  • Oct 23-Nov 2, 2023
  • Oct 21-29, 2024
  • Apr 22-May 7, 2024
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Executive Education Course

Executive Program in General Management

The Executive Program in General Management (EPGM) is a multi-modular general management and leadership program that introduces mid-career managers and leaders to the latest in MIT thought leadership on innovation, strategy, decision-making, and leadership.

  • Oct 31, 2023-Jun 21, 2024
  • Nov 12, 2024-May 23, 2025
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