Executive Education Course

Accelerating Digital Transformation with Algorithmic Business Thinking

Digital transformation marks a radical rethinking of how technology, people, and processes combine to create and deliver value. This exciting digital transformation education course introduces the concept of Algorithmic Business Thinking as a toolkit, mindset and digital language for uniting and augmenting your human and digital capabilities that helps you discover and uncover new opportunities throughout your digital transformation journey.

  • Oct 19-20, 2023
  • Oct 7-8, 2024
  • Sep 25-Nov 13, 2024
  • Apr 10-May 29, 2024
  • Jan 31-Mar 20, 2024
  • Jul 10-Aug 28, 2024
  • Nov 6, 2024-Jan 1, 2025
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Executive Education Course

Digital Learning Strategy

Organizations, schools, and government departments of today and tomorrow require an effective digital learning strategy to keep speed with innovation and upskill their workforces. Regardless of your industry, your employees expect smart, connected experiences that fit the way they live and work in a digital world. In this new, hands-on digital learning strategy course, we’ll give you the capability and confidence to harness current advanced technologies such as machine learning, augmented reality, and robotics in your education strategy. You’ll also look at digital learning and transformation technologies through a strategic lens that will help you create and deliver new value.

  • Dec 13-15, 2023
  • Oct 9-10, 2024
  • Apr 10-12, 2024
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