Executive Education Course

Advanced Management Program

The Advanced Management Program (AMP) is a month-long senior executive program designed for a diverse group of experienced leaders seeking transformative learning among global peers. AMP participants will engage in custom learning components led by MIT’s world-renowned faculty, including interactive classroom sessions, management simulations, case studies, 1:1 leadership coaching, and individualized feedback assessments. Participants will also explore the many companies, labs and centers that make MIT and surrounding Kendall Square the epicenter of innovation worldwide.

  • May 28-Jun 28, 2024
  • May 27-Jun 26, 2025
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Executive Education Course

Becoming a More Digitally Savvy Board Member

Recent MIT research shows that having board members with digital savvy is the new financial performance differentiator. This new course combines a two-day live online program with self-paced online learning components to help individuals and small teams—leaders and board members of large enterprises—increase their digital savviness and have more productive discussions around the opportunities and threats of the digital economy.

  • Nov 6-8, 2024
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