"Why democracy still wins: A critique of Eric X. Li's "A tale of two political systems"."

Huang, Yasheng. TEDBlog. TED Conferences, LLC, July 2013.

"China's Challenge."

Huang, Yasheng. MIT Technology Review, January 2, 2013.

"Democratize or die: Why China’s communists face reform or revolution."

Huang, Yasheng. Foreign Affairs, January 2013.

"Dawn for a New China?"

Huang, Yasheng. Room for Debate. The New York Times, November 2012.

"The Key to Bringing Democracy to China."

Huang Yasheng. Foreign Policy, November 19, 2012.

"Financing Constraints on the Private Sector in Post-Socialist China."

Huang, Yasheng. In Socialism vanquished, socialism challenged: Eastern Europe and China, 176-194. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2012.

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