"Should U.S. Seek More Tech Manufacturing?"

Huang, Yasheng. Room for Debate. The New York Times, August 2012.

"How did China Take Off?"

Huang, Yasheng. Journal of Economic Perspectives Vol. 24, No. 4 (2012): 147-170.

"FDI Policies in India and China: Evidence from Firm Surveys."

Huang, Yasheng and Heiwai Tang. World Economy Vol. 35, No. 1 (2012): 91-105.

Is China's Model Unique?

Huang, Yasheng. Zhongxin Commercial Press, 2011.

Transformation of Large Private Enterprises in China.

Huang, Yasheng, Jiang Rouchen and Yu Dianfu. Shanghai, China: Shanghai Economics and Finance University Press, 2011.

"Ownership Biases and Foreign Direct Investment in China."

Huang, Yasheng. In The Rise of Asia: Trade and Investment in Global Perspective, edited by Prema-Chandra Athukorala, 161-181. London, England: Routledge, 2011.

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