"China's Growth Fantasy."

Huang, Yasheng. The Wall Street Journal , December 2008.

"Private Ownership: The Real Source of China's Economic Miracle."

Huang, Yasheng. McKinsey Quarterly, December 2008.

Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics: State and Entrepreneurship During Reform.

Huang, Yasheng. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2008.

"Economic Development Experience: China."

Huang, Yasheng. In International Handbook of Developmental Economics, 536-553. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2008.

"Should Mumbai Learn from Shanghai?"

Huang, Yasheng. Economic and Political Weekly, July 19, 2008.

"The Next Asian Miracle."

Huang, Yasheng. Foreign Policy, July 2008.

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