"China is Just Catching Up."

Huang, Yasheng. Financial Times, June 2004.

"China's Growth Masks Weaknesses."

Huang, Yasheng. Financial Times, April 2004.

"ASEAN and FTAA: External Threat and Internal Institutional Weaknesses."

Huang, Yasheng, Randall K. Morck and Bernard Yeung. Business and Politics Vol. 6, No. 1 (2004): 1-45.

"Can India Overtake China?"

Huang, Yasheng and Tarun Khanna. Foreign Policy, July 2003.

"One Country, Two Systems: Foreign-invested Enterprises and Domestic Firms in China."

Huang, Yasheng. China Economic Review Vol. 14, No. 4 (2003): 404-416.

"Two Cheers for Jiangs Zemin's Three Represents."

Huang, Yasheng. Project Syndicate, November 14, 2002.

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