"What Does Stabilizing Greenhouse Gas Concentrations Mean?"

Schmalensee, Richard, Henry Donnan Jacoby, and David M. Reiner. In Critical Issues in the Economics of Climate Change, edited by Brian P. Flannery, Duane G. LeVine, and Klaus R. Kohlhase, 225-244. London, UK: IPIECA, 1997.

"Effects of Reversion on Commodity Projects of Different Length."

Laughton, D. and Henry D. Jacoby. In Real Options in Capital Investment, edited by L. Trigeorgis, 185-206. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1995.

"Adaptation of Water Quality Systems to Potential Climate Change."

Henry D. Jacoby. edited by E.Z. Stakhiv and T.M. Ballentine. Fort Belvoir, VA: December 1993.

"Reversion, Timing Options, and Long-Term Decision-Making."

Laughton, D. and Henry D. Jacoby. Financial Management Vol. 22, No. 3 (1993): 225-240.

"Project Evaluation: A Practical Asset Pricing Method."

Jacoby, Henry D. and D. Laughton. The Energy Journal Vol. 13, No. 2 (1992): 19-47.

"A Two-Method Solution to the Investment Timing Option."

Laughton, D. and Henry D. Jacoby. In Advances in Futures and Options Research, edited by F.J. Fabozzi, 71-87. Bingley, England : Emerald Group , 1991.

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