"Hierarchical Integration of Production Planning and Scheduling."

Hax, Arnoldo and Harlan C. Meal. In Logistics: Volume 1 of North-Holland/TIMS Studies in the Management Sciences, edited by Murray A. Geisler, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1975.

"A Comment on the Distribution System Simulator."

Hax, Arnoldo. Management Science Vol. 21, No. 2 (1974): 233-236.

"Planning a Management Information System for a Distributing and Manufacturing Company."

Hax, Arnoldo. Computer Reports, October 1973.

"Planning a Management Information System for a Distributing and Manufacturing Company."

Hax, Arnoldo. MIT Sloan Management Review, April 1973.

"Optimization of a Fleet of Large Tankers and Bulkers: A Linear Programming Approach."

Everett, John, Arnoldo Hax, Victor Lewinson and Donald Nudd. Marine Technology Vol. 9, No. 4 (1972): 1-2.

"Fantastic Foods, Inc. (A)."

Arnoldo Hax and Martin Stankard. In Harvard Business Case 1-172-200, Cambridge, MA: February 1972.

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