"Limits of Local Algorithms over Sparse Random Graphs."

David Gamarnik and Madhu Sudan. In Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science, New York, NY: January 2014.

"On the Max-Cut Over Sparse Random Graph."

David Gamarnik and Quan Li.

"Performance of the Survey Propagation Guided Decimation Algorithm for the Random Nae-k-sat Problem."

David Gamarnik and Madhu Sudan.

"Steady-State GI/GI/n Queue in the Halfin-Whitt Regime."

Gamarnik, David and David Goldberg. Annals of Applied Probability Vol. 23, No. 5 (2013): 2382-2419.

"Combinatorial Approach to the Interpolation Method and Scaling Limits in Sparse Random Graphs."

Bayati, Mohsen, David Gamarnik and Prasad Tetali. Annals of Probability Vol. 41, No. 6 (2013): 4080-4115.

"Correlation Decay Method for Decision, Optimization and Inference in Large Scale Networks."

Gamarnik, David. In 2013 TutORials in Operations Research: Theory Driven by Influential Applications, 108-121. Catonsville, MD: INFORMS, 2013.

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