"The MAXBAND Program for Arterial Signal Timing Plans."

Cohen, S.L. and John D.C. Little. Public Roads Vol. 46, No. 2 (1982): 61-65.

"MAXBAND: A Program for Setting Signals on Arteries and Triangular Networks."

Little, John D.C., Mark D. Kelson and Nathan H. Gartner. Transportation Research Record Vol. 795, (1981): 40-46.

"A Theory for Pricing Nonfeatured Products in Supermarkets."

Little, John D.C. and Jeremy F. Shapiro. Journal of Business Vol. 53, No. 3 (1980): S199-S209.

"Aggregate Advertising Models: The State of the Art."

Little, John D.C. Operations Research Vol. 27, No. 4 (1979): 629-667.

"Decision Support Systems for Marketing Managers."

Little, John D.C. Journal of Marketing Vol. 43, No. 3 (1979): 9-26.

"Marketing Issues Related to "Waste" Grown Aquatic Foods."

Huguenin, John E. and John D.C. Little. Environmental Management Vol. 1, No. 5 (1977): 433-440.

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