"Virtual Worlds, Real Insights."

Peysakhovich, Alexander, and David G. Rand. Wired UK, January 2013.

"Delayed and Inconsistent Information and the Evolution of Trust."

Manapat, Michael L., and David G. Rand. Dynamic Games and Applications Vol. 2, No. 4 (2012): 401-410.

"Religion Goes into the Science Lab."

Haque, Omar Sultan, and David G. Rand. Wired UK Special Edition, December 2012.

"Small is Good When it Comes to Data Creation."

Peysakhovich, Alexander, and David G. Rand. Wired UK Special Edition, December 2012.

"The Value of Reputation."

Pfeiffer, Thomas, Lily Tran, Coco Krumme, and David G. Rand. Journal of the Royal Society Interface Vol. 9, No. 76 (2012): 2791-2797. Download Paper.

"Spontaneous Giving and Calculated Greed."

Rand, David G., Joshua D. Greene, and Martin A. Nowak. Nature Vol. 498, (2012): 427-430. Reply to Brief Communications Arising (Gustav Tinghog, et al.). Data and Code.

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