"Third Party Reward and Punishment: Group Size, Efficiency and Public Goods."

Almenberg, Johan, Anna Dreber, Coren Apicella, and David G. Rand. In Psychology of Punishment, edited by Jennifer P. Russo and Nicholas M. Palmetti, 73-92. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Publishers, 2011.

"Differences in cognitive style, emotional processing and ideology as crucial variables in understanding meaning making."

Haque, Omar Sultan, Amitai Shenhav, and David G. Rand. Religion, Brain, and Behavior, February 2011.

"Infectious Disease Modeling of Social Contagion in Networks."

Hill, Alison L., David G. Rand, Martin A. Nowak, and Nicholas A. Christakis. PLOS Computational Biology Vol. 6, No. 11 (2010): e1000968. Download Paper.

"Anti-Social Punishment Can Prevent the Co-Evolution of Punishment and Cooperation."

David G. Rand, Joseph J. Armao IV, Mayuko Nakamaru, and Hisashi Ohtsuki. Journal of Theoretical Biology Vol. 265, No. 4 (2010): 624-632.

"Emotions as Infectious Diseases in a Large Social Network: The SISa Model."

Hill, Alison L, David G. Rand, Martin A. Nowak, and Nicholas A. Christakis. Proceedings of the Royalty Society B (2010): 1-9. Download Paper.

"Currency Value Moderates Equity Preference Among Young Children."

Blake, Peter R., and David G. Rand. Evolution and Human Behavior Vol. 31, No. 3 (2010): 210-2018. Data and Code.

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