"Systematic Differences in Impact across Publication Tracks at PNAS."

Rand, David G., and Thomas Pfeffer. PLOS ONE Vol. 4, No. 12 (2009): e8092. Download Paper.

"Weighing Reward and Punishment — Response."

Rand, David G., Anna Dreber, Tore Ellingsen, Drew Fudenberg, and Martin A. Nowak. Science, December 2009.

"Positive Interactions Promote Public Cooperation."

Rand, David G., Anna Dreber, Tore Ellingsen, Drew Fudenberg, and Martin A. Nowak. Science Vol. 325, No. 5945 (2009): 1272-1275. Data and Code. Download Paper.

"Dynamic Remodeling of Ingroup Bias During the 2008 Presidential Election."

David G. Rand, Thomas Pfeiffer, Anna Dreber, Rachel W. Sheketoff, Nils C. Wernerfelt, and Yochai Benkler. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Vol. 106, No. 15 (2009): 6187-6191. Data and Code. Download Paper.

"Decision-Making in Research Tasks with Sequential Testing."

Pfeiffer, Thomas, David G. Rand, and Anna Dreber. PLOS ONE Vol. 4, No. 2 (2009): e4607. Data and Code. Download Paper.

"Direct Reciprocity and Costly Punishment: Generous Tit-for-Tat Prevails."

Rand, David G., Hisashi Ohtsuki, and Martin A. Nowak. Journal of Theoretical Biology Vol. 256, No. 1 (2009): 45-57. Download Paper.

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