"Intuitive Honesty Versus Dishonesty: Meta-Analytic Evidence."

Köbis, Nils C., Bruno Verschuere, Yoella Bereby-Meyer, David G. Rand, Shaul Shalvi. Perspectives on Psychological Science Vol. 14, No. 5 (2019): 778-796.

"Lazy, Not Biased: Susceptibility to Partisan Fake News is Better Explained by Lack of Reasoning than by Motivated Reasoning."

Pennycook, Gordon, and David G. Rand. Cognition Vol. 188, (2019): 39-50. Download Paper.

"Intuition, Deliberation, and Cooperation: Further Meta-Analytic Evidence from 91 Experiments on Pure Cooperation."

Rand, David G., MIT Sloan Working Paper 5905-19. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, June 2019.

"From Foe to Friend and Back Again: The Temporal Dynamics of Intra-Party bias in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election."

Dunham, Yarrow, Antonio A. Arechar, and David G. Rand. Judgment and Decision Making Vol. 14, No. 3 (2019): 373-380. Download Paper.

"Cooperation and Decision Time."

Evans, Anthony, and David G. Rand. Current Opinion in Psychology Vol. 67, (2019): 67-71. Download Paper.

"Time Pressure and Honesty in a Deception Game."

Capraro, Valerio, Jonathan Schulz, and David G. Rand. ​Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics Vol. 79, (2019): 93-99. Download Paper.

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