"Large Corporate Buyers May Be the Hidden Culprit Behind Stagnant Wages."

Wilmers, Nathan. London School of Economics Blog. London School of Economics, April 2019.

"Do the Poor Pay More for Housing? Exploitation, Profit, and Risk in Rental Markets."

Desmond, Matthew, and Nathan Wilmers. American Journal of Sociology Vol. 124, No. 4 (2019): 1090-1124.

"Wage Stagnation and Buyer Power: How Buyer-Supplier Relations Affect U.S. Workers’ Wages, 1978-2014."

Wilmers, Nathan. American Sociological Review Vol. 83, No. 2 (2018): 213-242.

"Sociological Perspectives on Economic Inequality."

Wilmers, Nathan. In Cambridge Handbook of Sociology, edited by Kathleen Odell Korgen, 245-246. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2017.

"Does Consumer Demand Reproduce Inequality? High-income Consumers, Vertical Differentiation and the Wage Structure."

Wilmers, Nathan. American Journal of Sociology Vol. 123, No. 1 (2017): 178-231.

"Labor Unions as Activist Organizations: A Union Power Approach to Estimating Union Wage Effects."

Wilmers, Nathan. Social Forces Vol. 95, No. 4 (2017): 1451-1478.