"Financial Services in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership."

Johnson, Simon H. and Jeffrey Schott.

"Governing the Federal Reserve After the Dodd-Frank Act."

Conti-Brown, Peter and Simon H. Johnson.

"Policy Advice and Actions during the Asian and Global Financial Crisis."

Johnson, Simon H. and James Kwak. In Responding to Financial Crisis: Lessons from Asia Then, the United States and Europe Now, edited by Adam S. Posen and Changyong Rhee, 141-178. Washington, DC: Asian Development Bank, 2013.

"Is Newer Better? Penn World Tables Revisions and Their Impact on Growth Estimates."

Johnson, Simon H., William Larson, Chris Papageorgiou and Arvind Subramanian. Journal of Monetary Economics Vol. 60, No. 2 (2013): 255–274.

"Hither Thou Shalt Come But No Further: Reply to The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical Investigation."

Johnson, Simon H. American Economic Review Vol. 102, No. 6 (2012): 3077-3110.

White House Burning: The Founding Fathers, Our National Debt and Why it Matters to You.

Johnson, Simon H. and James Kwak. New York, NY: Pantheon, 2012.

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