"On Market Timing and Investment Performance Part II: Statistical Procedures for Evaluating Forecasting Skills."

Merton, Robert C. and Roy D. Henriksson. Journal of Business Vol. 54, No. 4 (1981): 513-533.

"On Market Timing and Investment Performance Part I: An Equilibrium Theory of Value for Market Forecasts."

Merton, Robert C. Journal of Business Vol. 54, No. 3 (1981): 363-406.

"On Estimating the Expected Return on the Market: An Exploratory Investigation."

Merton, Robert C. Journal of Financial Economics Vol. 8, No. 4 (1980): 323-361.

"Capital Requirements in the Regulation of Financial Intermediaries: A Discussion."

Merton, Robert C. In The Regulation of Financial Institutions, 256-263. Boston, MA: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 1979.

"On the Cost of Deposit Insurance When There Are Surveillance Costs."

Merton, Robert C. Journal of Business Vol. 51, No. 3 (1978): 439-452.

"The Returns and Risk of Alternative Call Option Portfolio Investment Strategies."

Merton, Robert C., Myron S. Scholes and Matthew L. Gladstein. Journal of Business Vol. 51, No. 2 (1978): 183-242.

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