"On the Pricing of Contingent Claims and the Modigliani-Miller Theorem."

Merton, Robert C. Journal of Financial Economics Vol. 5, No. 2 (1977): 241-249.

"An Analytic Derivation of the Cost of Deposit Insurance and Loan Guarantees : An Application of Modern Option Pricing Theory."

Merton, Robert C. Journal of Banking and Finance Vol. 1, No. 1 (1977): 3-11.

"A Reexamination of the Capital Asset Pricing Model."

Merton, Robert C. In Studies in Risk and Return, 141-159. New York, NY: Harper Collins Pubs Inc , 1977.

"The Impact on Option Pricing of Specification Error in the Underlying Stock Price Returns."

Merton, Robert C. Journal of Finance Vol. 31, No. 2 (1976): 333-350.

"Option Pricing When Underlying Stock Returns are Discontinuous."

Merton, Robert C. Journal of Financial Economics Vol. 3, (1976): 125-144.

"Theory of Finance from the Perspective of Continuous Time."

Merton, Robert C. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis Vol. 10, No. 4 (1975): 659-674.

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