"Optimum Consumption and Portfolio Rules in a Continuous-Time Model."

Merton, Robert C. Journal of Economic Theory Vol. 3, No. 4 (1971): 373-413.

"Analytical Optimal Control Theory as Applied to Stochastic and Non-Stochastic Economics."

Merton, Robert C. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1970.

"A Golden Golden-Rule for Welfare-Maximization in an Economy with a Varying Population Growth Rate."

Merton, Robert C. Western Economic Journal Vol. 4, (1969): 307-318.

"Lifetime Portfolio Selection under Uncertainty: The Continuous-Time Case."

Merton, Robert C. The Review of Economics and Statistics Vol. 51, No. 3 (1969): 247-257.

"A Complete Model of Warrant Pricing that Maximizes Utility."

Samuelson, Paul A. and Robert C. Merton. Industrial Management Review Vol. 10, (1969): 17-46.

"An Empirical Investigation of the Samuelson Rational Warrant Pricing Theory."

Robert C. Merton.

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