"You Have More Capital than You Think."

Merton, Robert C. Harvard Business Review, November 2005.

"A Proposal for Expensing Employee Compensatory Stock Options for Financial Reporting Purposes."

Hancock, Peter, Roberto G. Mendoza and Robert C. Merton. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance Vol. 17, No. 3 (2005): 95-101.

"The Design of Financials Systems: Towards a Synthesis of Function and Structure."

Merton, Robert C. and Zvi Bodie. Journal of Investment Management Vol. 3, No. 1 (2005): 1-23.

"Swapping Your Country's Risks."

Merton, Robert C. Harvard Business Review, February 2005.

"The Real Problem with Pensions."

​Merton, Robert C. Harvard Business Review, December 2004.

"A Simple Way to Value Stock Options."

Mendoza, Roberto G., Robert C. Merton and Peter Hancock. Financial Times, April 2004.

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