"Royal Dutch/Shell: Retail Transformation in Hungary."

Donald Sull. In London Business School Case Study CS-98-007, London, UK: 1998.

"A Crisis of Faith in Management."

Sull, Donald and Sumantra Ghoshal. In Financial Times Mastering Management Review, edited by James Pickford, 1-10. London, UK: Pearson Education, 1997.

"No Exit: Overcapacity and Plant Closure in the U.S. Tire Industry."

Sull, Donald. In Best Papers Proceedings, 57th Academy of Management Meeting, edited by J. Barnard Keys and Lloyd Dozier. Boston, MA: August 1997.

"Managerial Commitments and Technological Change in the U.S. Tire Industry."

Sull, Donald, Richard Tedlow and Richard Rosenbloom. Industrial and Corporate Change Vol. 6, No. 2 (1997): 461-501.

"Managing the Hidden Cost of Distrust in Downsizing."

A. Raj Joshi and Greg Nelson. In Downsizing, 73-84. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 1996.

"Pepsi's Regeneration--1990-93."

David A. Garvin and Donald Sull. In Harvard Business School Case Study 395-048, Cambridge, MA: November 1994.