The Upside of Turbulence: Seizing Opportunity in an Uncertain World.

Sull, Donald. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, 2009.

"How to Thrive in Turbulent Markets."

Sull, Donald. Harvard Business Review, February 2009.

"How to Seize the Upside of a Downturn."

Sull, Donald. Financial Times, January 2009.

"Why the Worst of Times can also be the Best of Times."

Sull, Donald. Financial Times, December 2008.

"Fast Fashion Lessons."

Sull, Donald and Stefano Turconi. Business Strategy Review, July 2008.

"From Lines to Loops: An Interative Approach to Strategy."

Sull, Donald. In Strategy, Innovation and Change, 163-183. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2008.

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