Why Good Companies Go Bad and How Great Managers Remake Them.

Sull, Donald. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 2005.

"In China: The Importance of Managing Relationships Dynamically."

Sull, Donald. Ivey Business Journal (2005): 1-2.

"The Hub of the World: The Emirates Airline Story."

Sull, Donald, Sumatra Ghoshal and Felipe Monteiro. Business Strategy Review Vol. 16, No. 1 (2005): 35-40.

"Brahma vs. Antarctica: Reversal of Fortune in Brazil's Beer Market."

Martin Escobari and Donald Sull. In London Business School Case Study CS-04-015, London, UK: 2005.

"Do Your Commitments Match Your Convictions?"

Sull, Donald and Dominic Houlder. Harvard Business Review, January 2005.

"UTStarcom: Maintaining the Momentum."

Donald Sull. In London Business School Case Study CS-05-042, London, UK: 2005.

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