"Samsung and Daewoo: Two Tales of One City."

Donald Sull, Seonghoon Kim and Choelsoon Park. In Harvard Business School Case Study 804-055, Cambridge, MA: November 2003.

"Managing by Commitments."

Sull, Donald. Harvard Business Review, June 2003.

"BEA Systems: Constant Reinventions to Cope with Market Waves."

Donald Sull, Jeannette Dale and Ramiro Montealegre. In Harvard Business School Case Study 803-118, Cambridge, MA: May 2003.

"Active Inertia in India: Why Good Companies Go Bad."

The Smart Manager, April 2003.

"A Strategy to Meet the Challenges of Entrepreneurship."

Sull, Donald. Financial Times, August 2002.

"The Globalization in Ispat International."

Sull, Donald. In World Class in India, New Delhi, India: Penguin Books India, 2002.

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