"The Capability Trap: Prevalence in Human Systems."

Erik Landry and John D. Sterman. In Proceedings of the 35th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Cambridge, MA: July 2017.

"Three Years to Safeguard Our Climate."

Figueres, Christiana, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Gail Whiteman, Johan Rockström, Anthony Hobley, Stefan Rahmstorf and John Sterman (co-signatory). Nature Vol. 546, No. 7660 (2017): 593-595. Download Paper. List of co-signatories.

"Stopping Climate Catastrophe (Podcast)."

Sterman, John D. MIT Sloan School of Management Podcast, June 2017.

"Impact of US Withdrawal from Paris."

Sterman, John D. MIT Sloan School of Management Alumni Online, June 2017.

"Stretch Goals and the Distribution of Organizational Performance."

Gary, Michael Shayne, Miles M. Yang, Philip W. Yetton, and John D. Sterman. Organization Science Vol. 28, No. 3 (2017): 395-410. Access paper through MIT Libraries. Download Supplement. Download Preprint.

"Cultural Change to Sustainable Consumption: A Dynamic System Perspective."

Sterman, John D., Working Paper. 2017.

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