"The Mirrlees Approach to Mechanism Design with Renegotiation (with Applications to Hold-up and Risk-Sharing)."

Segal, Ilya and Michael D. Whinston. Econometrica Vol. 70, No. 1 (2002): 1-45.

"Assessing the Property Rights and Transaction-Cost Theories of Firm Scope."

Whinston, Michael D. American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings Vol. 91, No. 2 (2001): 184-88.

"Exclusivity and Tying in U.S. v. Microsoft: What We Know and Don’t Know."

Whinston, Michael D. Journal of Economic Perspectives Vol. 15, No. 2 (2001): 63-80.

"Naked Exclusion: Comment."

Segal, Ilya R. and Michael D. Whinston. American Economic Review Vol. 90, No. 1 (2000): 296-309.

"Exclusive Contracts and Protection of Investments."

Whinston, Michael D. and I. Segal. RAND Journal of Economics Vol. 31, (2000): 603-633.

"Incomplete Contracts and Strategic Ambiguity."

Bernheim, B. Douglas and Michael D. Whinston. American Economic Review Vol. 88, No. 4 (1998): 902-932.

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