"The Next Generation: Statistical Computing in the 1990's."

Roy E. Welsch. In Proceedings of the 46th Session of the International Statistical Institute, The Hague, The Netherlands: September 1987.

"Applications of Bounded-Influence and Diagnostic Methods in Energy Modeling."

Welsch, Roy E. and Stephen Swartz. In Model Reliability, edited by D. A. Belsley and E. Kuh, 154-190. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986.

"Discussion of 'Influential Observations, High Leverage Points, and Outliers in Linear Regression' by S. Chatterjee and A. Hadi."

Welsch, Roy E. Statistical Science Vol. 1, No. 3 (1986): 379-416.

"An Introduction to Regression Diagnostics."

Roy E. Welsch. In Proceedings of the Thirtieth Conference on the Design of Experiments in Army Research, Development, and Testing, Report No. 85-23, Research Triangle Park, NC: December 1985.

"Resistant Estimation for Simultaneous-Equations Models Using Weighted Instrument Variables."

Krasker, William S. and Roy E. Welsch. Econometrica Vol. 53, No. 6 (1985): 1475-1488.

"TROLL Program BIV: Bounded-Influence Instrumental Variables."

Roy E. Welsch and A. Samarov. Technical Report No. 44, M.I.T. Center for Computational Research in Economics in Management Science. 1984.

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