"Discussion of 'Minimax Aspects of Bounded-Influence Regression,' by Peter Huber."

Krasker, William and Roy E. Welsch. Journal of the American Statistical Association Vol. 78, No. 381 (1983): 72-73.

"Efficient Bounded-Influence Regression Estimation."

Krasker, William S. and Roy E. Welsch. Journal of the American Statistical Association Vol. 77, No. 379 (1982): 596-604.

"Discussion of 'Robust Methods in Econometrics,' by Roger Koenker."

Welsch, Roy E. Econometric Reviews Vol. 1, No. 2 (1982): 279-284.

"Influence Functions and Regression Diagnostics."

Welsch, Roy E. In Modern Data Analysis, edited by A. Siegel and R. Launer, 149-169. New York, NY: Academic Press, Inc., 1982.

"Analysis of the Validity of the Coefficient Estimates and Forecasting Properties of the RDFOR Models, Department of Energy Technical Report."

Roy E. Welsch, Edwin Kuh, S. Lahiri, A. Minkoff, and S. Swartz.

"Computational Procedures for Bounded-Influence and Robust Regression."

Roy E. Welsch, S. Peters, and A. Samarov, Technical Report No. 30, M.I.T. Center for Computational Research in Economics and Management Science.

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