"Data Analysis, Communication, and Control."

Welsch, Roy E. In Communications and Control in Society, edited by Klaus Krippendorf, 99-114. London, England: Gordon and Breech, Inc., 1979.

"Discussion of 'Nonparametric Statistical Data Modeling' by Emanuel Parzen."

Welsch, Roy E. Journal of the American Statistical Association Vol. 74, No. 365 (1979): 123-124.

"Discussion of 'Teaching Statistical Computing Using Computer Packages' by Ronald A. Thisted."

Welsch, Roy E. The American Statistician Vol. 33, No. 1 (1979): 34.

"Computing Regression Diagnostics."

Roy E. Welsch. In Proceedings of the Stanford Conference on Numerical and Statistical Computing, edited by Gene Golub and Virginia Klema. Cambridge, MA: December 1978.

"History of Bounded-Influence Estimation and Comments on Paper by Frank Hampel, David Hinkley, and R. Douglas Martin."

Roy E. Welsch. In 1978 Proceedings of the A. S. A. Statistical Computing Section, Washington, DC: December 1978.

"Techniques for Nonlinear Least-Squares and Robust Regression."

Dennis, John and Roy E. Welsch. Communications in Statistics Vol. 7, No. 4 (1978): 345-359.

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