"Comparing Relative and Total Cost Multiple Comparison Procedures Via James-Stein Estimators."

Welsch, Roy E., Working Paper. 1976.

"Algorithms and Plots for Model Validation."

Welsch, Roy E. In Proceedings of the NSF Vail Conference on Model Formulation, Validation, and Improvement, edited by E. P. Howrey. Cambridge, MA: December 1975.

"Robust Nonlinear Regression Using the DOGLEG Algorithm."

Roy E. Welsch and R. Becker. In Proceedings of the Computer Science and Statistics Eighth Annual Symposium on the Interface, edited by J. W. Frane. Los Angeles, CA: December 1975.

"MIT-SNAP User' Manual."

Welsch, Roy E. Computing Documentation, MIT Sloan School of Management. 1975.

"TROLL Experimental Programs: Robust and Ridge Regression."

Welsch, Roy E. Computing Documentation, M.I.T. Information Processing Center. 1975.

"TROLL Experimental Programs."

Welsch, Roy E. Computing Documentation. CLOUDS, STARS, FACES, M.I.T. Information Processing Center. 1974.

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