"A Cell Profiling Framework for Modeling Drug Responses from HCS Imaging."

Ng, Alvin Y. J., Jagath C. Rajapakse, Roy E. Welsch, Paul T. Matsudaira, Victor Horodincu and James G. Evans. Journal of Biomolecular Screening Vol. 15, No. 7 (2010): 858-868.

"Visualizing the Sampling Variability of Plots."

Roy E. Welsch and R. Menjoge. In Proceedings of COMPSTAT 2010, edited by G. Saporta and Y. Lechevallier. Heidelberg, Germany: August 2010.

"Sub-Population Analysis Based on Temporal Features of High Content Images."

Veronika, Merlin, James Evans, Paul Matsudaira, Roy E. Welsch and Jagath Rajapakse. BMC Bioinformatics Vol. 10, No. Suppl. 15 (2009): S4.

"Comparing and Visualizing Gene Selection and Classification Methods for Microarray."

Menjoge, Rajiv, and Roy E. Welsch. In Machine Learning in Bioinformatics, edited by Jagath C. Rajapakse and Yan-Qing Zhang, 47-68. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2009.

"Robust Risk: Using Robust Methods to Improve Investment Performance."

Roy E. Welsch. In Proceedings of the 2008 Interface Symposium on Computer Science and Statistics, Durham, NC: December 2008.

"Statistical Analysis of Drug Treated Cell Morphologies from HCS Image Data."

Alvin NG, V. Horodincu, J. Rajapakse, P. Madsudaira, Roy E. Welsch, and J. Evans. In Proceedings of the Third IAPR Conference on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics, edited by Alioune Ngom, Madhu Chetty, and Shandar Ahmad. Heidelberg, Germany: October 2008.

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