"Learning to Live with Homicide: A Research Note."

Barnett, Arnold I. Journal of Criminal Justice Vol. 10, No. 1 (1982): 69-72.

"A Quartile Test for Differences in Distribution."

Barnett, Arnold I. and Ellen Eisen. Journal of the American Statistical Association Vol. 77, No. 377 (1982): 44-51.

"The Decision Between Single and Combined Modality Therapy in Hodgkin's Disease."

Rutherford, Cynthia, Jane DesForges, Arnold I. Barnett, Charles Safran and Byron Davies. American Journal of Medicine Vol. 72, No. 1 (1982): 63-70.

"Evaluating the Validity of a Bayesian Model of Predicting Stage in Hodgkin's Disease."

Barnett, Arnold I., Cynthia J. Rutherford, Jane F. DesForges, N. Gutensohn and Byron Davies. Methods of Informations in Medicine Vol. 20, No. 3 (1981): 174-178.

"Further Standards of Accountability for Deterrence Research."

Barnett, Arnold I. In Methods in Quantitative Criminology, edited by James Alan Fox, 127-145. Waltham, MA: Academic Press, 1981.

"Latency Period: Estimating the Time from the Induction to the Appearance of Cancer."

Arnold I. Barnett. Washington, DC: December 1981.

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