"Task-Specific Human Capital."

Gibbons, Robert S. and Michael Waldman. American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings Vol. 94, No. 2 (2004): 203-207.

"Team Theory, Garbage Cans, and Real Organizations: Some History and Prospects of Economic Research on Decision-Making in Organizations."

Gibbons, Robert S. Industrial and Corporate Change Vol. 12, No. 4 (2003): 753-787.

"Firms (and Other Relationships)."

Gibbons, Robert S. In The Twenty-First Century Firm: Changing Economic Organization in International Perspective, edited by Paul DiMaggio , 186-199. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2003.

"Trust in Social Structures: Hobbes and Coase Meet Repeated Games."

Gibbons, Robert S. In Trust in Society, edited by Karen S. Cook , 332-351. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation, 2003.

"Relational Contracts and the Theory of the Firm."

Baker, George, Robert S. Gibbons, and Kevin J. Murphy. Quarterly Journal of Economics Vol. 117, No. 1 (2002): 39-83.

"How Communication Improves Efficiency in Bargaining Games."

Valley, Kathleen, Leigh Thompson, Robert S. Gibbons and Max H. Bazerman. Games and Economic Behavior Vol. 38, (2002): 127-155.

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