"Incentives in Organizations."

Gibbons, Robert S. Journal of Economic Perspectives Vol. 12, No. 4 (1998): 115-132.

"Game Theory and Garbage Cans: An Introduction to the Economics of Internal Organization."

Gibbons, Robert S. In Debating Rationality: Nonrational Elements of Organizational Decision Making, 36-52. Ithaca, NY: ILR Press, 1998.

"When and Why Do Negotiators Outperform Game Theory?"

Gibbons, Robert S., Max Bazerman, Leigh Thompson and Kathleen Valley. In Nonrational Elements of Organizational Decision Making, 78-98. Ithaca, NY: ILR Press, 1998.

"An Introduction to Applicable Game Theory."

Gibbons, Robert S. Journal of Economic Perspectives Vol. 11, No. 1 (1997): 127-149.

"Incentives and Careers in Organizations."

Gibbons, Robert S. In Advances in economics and econometrics: theory and applications, Cambridge, England : Cambridge University Press, 1997.

"Learning and Wage Dynamics."

Farber, Henry S., and Robert S. Gibbons. Quarterly Journal of Economics Vol. 111, No. 4 (1996): 1007-1047.

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