"Water Cooler Networks: Performance Implications of Informal Face-to-Face Interaction Structures in Information Intensive Work."

Wu, Lynn, Benjamin N. Waber, Sinan K. Aral, Erik Brynjolfsson and Alex Pentland, Working Paper. May 2008.

"Productivity Effects of Information Diffusion in Email Networks."

Sinan K. Aral, Erik Brynjolfsson and Marshall van Alstyne. In International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2007), Montreal, Quebec: December 2007.

"Regional Economic Context and the Value of Firm-Level IT Investment."

Sinan K. Aral, Lynn Wu and Vincenzo Morabito. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Systems Economics 2007, Montreal, Quebec, Canada: December 2007.

"IT Assets, Organizational Capabilities & Firm Performance: How Resource Allocations and Organizational Differences Explain Performance Variation."

Aral, Sinan K. and Peter Weill. Organization Science Vol. 18, No. 5 (2007): 1-18.

"Network Structure & Information Advantage."

Sinan K. Aral and Marshall Van Alstyne. In Proceedings of the Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, PA: August 2007.

"Network Structure & Information Advantage."

Sinan K. Aral and Marshall Van Alstyne. In Sunbelt XXVII Social Networks Conference, Corfu, Greece: May 2007.

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