"The Spread of True and False News Online."

Visoughi, Soroush, Deb Roy, and Sinan K. Aral. Science Vol. 359, No. 6380 (2018): 1146-1151.

"Information Technology, Repeated Contracts, and the Number of Suppliers."

Aral, Sinan K., Yannis Bakos, and Erik Brynjolfsson. Management Science Vol. 64, No. 2 (2018): 592-612.

"Social Advertising Effectiveness Across Products: A Large-Scale Field Experiment."

Shan Huang, Sinan Aral, Yu Hu, and Erik Brynjolfsson. In Proceedings of the 28th Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE 2017), edited by Vidyanand Choudhary. Seoul, South Korea: December 2017.

"The Effects of Reputation Systems on Markets: An Online Field Experiment."

David Holtz, P. Alex Dow, Brian Karrer, and Sinan Aral. In Proceedings of the 28th Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE 2017), edited by Vidyanand Choudhary. Seoul, South Korea: December 2017.

"The Strength of Weak Ties: Causal Evidence using People-You-May-Know Randomizations."

Guillaume Saint-Jacques, Sinan Aral, Erik Brynjolfsson, Ya Xu, and Edoardo Airoldi. In Proceedings of the 28th Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE 2017), edited by Vidyanand Choudhary. Seoul, South Korea: December 2017.

"Social Structure and Trust in Massive Digital Markets."

David Holtz, Diana Lynn MacLean, and Sinan Aral. In 38th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2017), Seoul, South Korea: December 2017. Download Paper.

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