"The Trouble with Online Ratings."

Aral, Sinan K. MIT Sloan Management Review, December 19, 2013.

"Health Information and the Like -- Response."

Aral, Sinan K., Lev Muchnik and Sean Taylor. Science Vol. 342, No. 6164 (2013): 1315-1316.

"Information in Digital, Economic and Social Networks."

Sundararajan, Arun, Foster Provost, Gal Oestreicher-Singer and Sinan K. Aral. Information Systems Research Vol. 24, No. 4 (2013): 883-905.

"Identity and Opinion: A Randomized Experiment."

Sean J. Taylor, Lev Muchnik and Sinan K. Aral. In Workshop on Information in Networks 2013, New York, NY: October 2013.

"Motivating Fitness and Engagement through Social Influence."

Sinan K. Aral and David Vincent. In Workshop on Information in Networks 2013, New York, NY: October 2013.

"To Go From Big Data to Big Insight, Start With a Visual."

Aral, Sinan. Harvard Business Review Digital Article. Harvard Business Publishing, August 2013.

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