"Social Influence Bias: a Randomized Experiment."

Muchnik, Lev, Sinan K. Aral and Sean J. Taylor. Science Vol. 341, No. 6146 (2013): 647-651.

"Engineering Social Contagions: Optimal Network Seeding in the Presence of Homophily."

Aral, Sinan K., Lev Muchnik and Arun Sundararajan. Network Science Vol. 1, No. 2 (2013): 1-29.

"Selection Effects in Online Sharing: Consequences for Peer Adoption."

Sean J. Taylor, Eytan Bakshy and Sinan K. Aral. In Statistical Challenges in Ecommerce Research (SCECR), Lisbon, Portugal: June 2013.

"Selection Effects in Online Sharing: Consequences for Peer Adoption."

Sean J.Taylor, Eytan Bakshy and Sinan K. Aral. In 14th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, Philadelphia, PA: June 2013.

"What Would Ashton Do - And Does it Matter?"

Aral, Sinan K. Harvard Business Review, May 1, 2013.

"Making Products Viral."

Sinan K. Aral. In Digital Innovation: The Next Product Development Revolution, Cambridge, MA: April 2013.

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